TWELVE STARS (As Doze Estrelas - 2010)
The Twelve Stars is the story of Herculano Fontes, a well-known astrologist, that met Destiny, who has come to propose an agreement. Herculano has to show his astrological expertise by meeting twelve women, each one ruled by one of the 12 Zodiac signs. If Herculano fails in his pursuit, he will die the death foreseen in his astrological chart. If he fulfills his quest, he may interfere with his own destiny and change it at his desire.
THE TWELVE STARS, Fiction, 100min, 2011, 35mm, Dolby Digital, 12 anos

Invited to the Campos do Jordão Film Festival - 2012
Invited to the Gramado Film Festival – 2011
Invited to the Índia Internacional Film Festival – 2010
Invited to the Paulínia Film Festival – 2010
Luiz Alberto Pereira
Leonardo Brício, Paulo Betti, Cláudia Mello
Débora Duboc, Cássio Scapin, Munir Kanaan, Juliana Vedovato, Adriana Alves, Leona Cavalli, Carla Regina, Francisca Queiroz, Gabrielle Lopez, Martha Meola, Mylla Christie, Paula Franco, Lívia Guerra, Djin Sganzerla, Silvia Lourenço, Rosanne Mulholland